Visitor Policy

Oakwood Middle School, an IB World School 

Visitor Policy*


A new sign in/sign out policy will be implemented by ISS; more info soon.

Oakwood encourages the community and parents to be involved in and support the school and the educational program.  To encourage involvement, the following opportunities are provided to visit the schools:

  • Visitors are welcome at the schools to observe and learn about the educational program
  • Visitors are invited to attend public events, such as athletic events, musical programs, and dramatic productions
  • All school visitors must report to the front office at the school. Visitors must sign-in and wear a visitor's pass at all times.  Signs are posted in the school to notify visitors of this requirement that helps ensure the safety of all students
  • In order to observe a classroom, prior arrangements must be made with administration as unannounced observations disturb the regular functions of the classroom
  • If any school employee becomes aware that an individual is in a school without having received permission, the employee must either direct the individual to the administrative office or notify the principal, depending on the circumstances
  • Staff should notify the front office or administration of any unusual or suspicious behavior by visitors or others.  Staff must inform the principal immediately of any student's report of suspicious behavior or their own observation of such behavior
  • Any individual who disrupts the educational environment, acts in a disorderly manner, damages school property or violates board policy or law, may be requested to leave.  Such individual also may be prosecuted and may be prohibited from attending any other events sponsored by the school district for the remainder of the year.  Failure to reply with requests to leave school grounds or other restrictions imposed by school staff may result in the filing of trespass charges against the offending individual